Things I'm Old Enough to Remember.
- When gas was 98 cents per gallon
- When Saturday morning cartoons included Winnie the Pooh
- When there was nothing after the credits - or even, when the credits were in the beginning and there weren't even credits after the story
- The sticker, "Be Kind, Rewind!"
- Steve Green
- Stirrup pants
- When blue M&M's began to be produced
- The Pipestone library with Mrs. Griebel in the children's room and Mrs. Wahl behind the front desk
- The gel pen craze
- Beanie babies
- Going places without a cell phone in case of emergencies
- Pen pals
- Tightening cassette tapes with a pencil
- Pong
- Pushing a lawn mower
- When owning a refrigerator box made you richer than ever before as a child
- When a sheet + chairs = a tent
- Oregon Trail II
- The Saturday morning tv jingle, "After these messages we'll be right back!"
- Sandi Patty
- Purple sweat pants and white Reeboks
- Coloring with crayons
- Homemade play dough
- Paper doll cutting parties
- Radio dramas
- Airports pre-NSA
- Strawberry kiwi Lip Smackers
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