Friday, April 11, 2014

While There is Breath

A family friend passed away today. As I watch the out-pouring of loving comments on her Facebook wall, I am glad that people remember the good about others.

I am also pensive.

Find the good in others while they're still living; don't wait for them to be beyond this world before you stop criticizing and start complimenting.

Tell people that you're grateful for them while they're living. Appreciate them and thank them for their contribution to your life while they are around to be encouraged by your words.

Be kind in your speech to and about others while they're living. If something isn't good enough to say about them once they're dead, it's not good enough to say about them before they're dead.

It is the living who need your encouragement: it is for the benefit of the surviving that we pour out love for those who have gone before us.

Yes, remember the deceased fondly; but remember that nothing you say or do can help or hurt them.

Do you want to make a difference? Don't forget the living to your left and to your right.

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