Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Faith & Courage

Eight days ago, faith and courage met, and my world changed.

But it wasn't purely MY faith and courage. At times, my faith was fear and courage had fled; it was then that the faith and courage of others carried the transformation.

The world change?
The birth of my second daughter.

"The second time is easier," they say. "The second time is shorter," they [nearly] promise.

My second time was harder, and it was actually the same length as the first.

There were times I wanted to quit; those around me (literally) held me up.
There were times I didn't think I could finish; they cheered me on.

So much of life is a marathon - harder and longer and more discouraging than we thought it would be.

It's in those times that we ride the wings of the faith and courage of those around us.

That is, if those around us have faith and courage.

Who surrounds you today?

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