Friday, June 26, 2015

By Definition

“When words lose their meanings, people lose their lives.”

In a sense, I feel I have already lived too long when I can say that I have seen one of the oldest words in human history lose its meaning here in this fair country.

This has not been a win-lose equation. This is no zero-sum game. We have all lost.

Oh, my brothers and sisters, we have had the seven years of plenty. Are you ready for the seven of famine?

When wickedness feels threatened, it will either flee or attack. With this ruling, it is done with fleeing; but it will not be finished feeling threatened.

Do not think that this is a clash of preferences, of cultures, of demographics, or even of individuals. Our struggle is against powers and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Do not believe that this is a new problem, that we are the first to encounter such straits.

Our international family has lived – and yes, grown – under such circumstances for two thousand years. America and representation and liberty have not been the norm for this family. Think rather of North Korea, of China, of ISIS, of Hitler, and you will come to know what to expect.

Expect pastors in prison for standing by their convictions.
Expect parents losing their children for teaching them Biblical morality.
Expect friends to desert you, to slander and to vilify you.
Expect religious organizations – including schools and hospitals – to be sued into nonexistence when they want to hire according to their beliefs.
Expect all this to be only the beginning.

Expect to be hated. He said we would be. After all, He was hated.

Live your salvation.
Have faith.
Speak truth.
Abide in His Word.
Be the embodiment of love.
Walk in peace.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Dianna. And thank you for such Godly advice. ~Mom
