Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Blogger's Reflections

My Muse must be on a long vacation.

I knew this point would come. Maybe that's why I initially resisted the idea of blogging. Because, at some point in time, I knew, I would come to the realization that I probably don't have anything worth saying that hasn't already been said.

Someone very wise once wrote, "I rarely have an original thought." (I wish I could remember who thought of that, but I can't. How ironic!)

Think of it: in this world today, there are, quite literally, thousands upon thousands of people clamoring to be heard. They blog, vlog, tweet, facebook, and youtube their opinions on any subject you could imagine.

Then there are the good writers who actually say something through their chosen media venue, and some of these get published in journals, magazines, books, webzines, and on and on.

I don't claim to write only original thoughts. I don't even think I write mostly original thoughts. Most of my thoughts are the result of hours of reading, listening, and conversation. If I'm lucky, I might have an unique slant on them.

But do I want to be another voice in the din that already encompasses our planet? I might have a couple good things to say, but are they worth adding to the noise?

Because, if I'm only making more noise, it isn't worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. Beloved Dianna - Even if your ideas are as old as Solomon, you have a unique perspective on those that is shaped by your relationships, prayers, and everyday life as a newly-married, college-educated woman in rural Minnesota. You also have a unique audience who might not have read Twain or Chesterton or Lewis or Jesus or Gladwell others with beautifully-written and published insights. Keep thinking and reflecting - your job is to plant the seeds given you, not to manage the results (see Eccles. 11: 5-7). :)
